Former President Donald Trump has been accused of a lot of nasty things, but it’s yet to be proven whether any of the many sexual assault allegations against him are true or not. We may soon get an answer in one case, though, after E. Jean Carroll notified a federal judge of her intent to sue Donald Trump.
Carroll is an advice columnist for Elle Magazine. She made headlines back in 2019 when she decided to publish a self-authored book. In the book, Carroll made some sharp allegations against the former president. She stated that she met Trump during a “chance encounter” at a Bergdorf Goodman store in the 1990s. Then, she alleges that he raped her in a dressing room. As expected, Trump quickly denied the allegations as well as questioned Carroll’s motivations.
Now that a few years have passed, Carroll has decided to seek out legal recourse.
According to the letter sent to the federal judge, E. Jean Carroll plans to sue Trump for the intentional infliction of emotional distress. The letter, which is now a part of public records, also alleges that Trump committed sexual battery. Under normal circumstances, the statute of limitations would have long passed for the sexual crime. That’s why Carroll initially attempted to sue Trump for defamation.
The good news is that a newly passed law, the Adult Survivor’s Act, has opened up her options.
New York’s Survivors Law: What You Should Know
So, what is the Adult Survivor’s Act, and how does it apply to Trump’s case? The Adult Survivor’s Act, which was signed into law on May 24, does make changes to New York’s statute of limitations for civil lawsuits regarding sexual offenses. That means that you can’t necessarily seek out criminal charges against the culprit, but you can seek out recourse in civil court. A civil lawsuit could help provide compensation for the distress you endured and any injuries you suffered as a result of the sexual assault.
Regardless of when the offense occurred, all victims are now being given a one-year window to seek out a claim. This one year window begins on November 24, 2022 and ends on November 24, 2023.
If you’ve ever been hurt by a sex crime, then it’s also important for you to know that the New York legislature extended the statute of limitations for certain sex crimes by 20 years! The only bad news is that this law only applies to sex crimes that happened after the law was passed. While you may not have a chance to seek out criminal charges, it’s still worth it to seek out a civil lawsuit.
Are You Ready to Pursue Justice?
Are you considering seeking out a lawsuit for a sexual offense that happened in the past? If so, then we commend you for your courage. It’s not easy to stand up for yourself.
The good news is that our team of highly skilled lawyers will stand by your side if you choose to seek out a claim. Reach out to our office now to schedule a consultation with our best attorneys.